Stay Focused
CALLING – Jan. 18
am leading you along the high road, but there are descents as well as
ascents. In the distance you see
snow-covered peaks glistening in brilliant sunlight. Your longing to reach those peaks is good,
but you must not take shortcuts. Your
assignment is to follow Me, allowing Me to direct your path. Let the heights beckon you onward, but stay
close to Me.
to trust Me when things go “wrong.”
Disruptions to your routine highlight your dependence on me. Trusting acceptance of trials brings blessings
that far outweigh them all. Walk hand in
hand with Me through this day. I have
lovingly planned every inch of the way.
Trust does not falter when the path becomes rocky and steep. Breathe deep draughts of My Presence, and
hold tightly to My hand. Together we can
make it!
John 21:19; 2 Corinthians 4:17; Habakkuk 3:19
If we would follow the words in today’s “Jesus
Calling” consistently, we would live a far more peaceful and harmonious life. I particularly like the line, “Trusting acceptance of trials brings
blessings that far outweigh them all.”
If only I could keep that thought fresh in my mind.
I don’t know about you, but I often lose my focus on
God’s plan for my life when things go “wrong”. I don’t always allow disruptions to my routine highlight my dependence on God. I can get off track and lose my peace for a few
hours, even days, when my circumstances overwhelm me.
So how do we stay on track? We just keep trying and keep praying. My most fervent prayer seems to be, “Lord,
help me stay focused on You.”
We are all here on Earth for a reason -- a reason
that God planned for us before we were even born. Don’t forget that. If you haven’t discovered God’s plan for your
life, let that be your focus: to discover why you are here. (Know that God’s plan for you will always be
about helping others and leading them to Him.)
20:24 – “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish
the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of
testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”
That should be our most important goal – to fulfill
God’s plan for our life -- not to make a lot of money or have a successful
career or buy a bigger house. These are
all worldly “values” that easily sidetrack us from God. Yes, they are a big part of living in the
world, but they will be nothing when we go to our heavenly home. (Eternity is much longer than our short stay
on Earth.)
We can’t be a light to the world or an example of
God’s love (which could lead a person to salvation and the promise of heaven)
when we allow ourselves to be weighed down by the world. We WILL have struggles here, and the more mature you
become as a Christian, the more trials you will face. There is an enemy out there called the devil
who wants nothing more than to take your focus off God. He will use your job, your health, your
children, your marriage, etc. to try to do so.
Realize this is a spiritual war we fight not just worldly problems that
are inevitable. Learn how to fight these
wars by staying close to God. Keep your
focus on Him.
Peter 1:2 – “Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge
of God and of Jesus our Lord.”