Tampa Book Fair

Please join me this Friday, July 17th at On Point Executive Center, for this exciting event! I will be there with both of my books, "GPS to a Joyful Marriage", and "When Superheroes Fall". Bring a copy of this blogpost and I will give you a 20% discount on your purchase.
Admission is free to the public so please join us to meet local authors. There will be door prizes, delightful snacks and a fun evening!
The fair showcases over 40 local writers published in a variety of both fiction and non-fiction genres including science fiction, satire, drama, action and adventure, self-help, children's religious, cookbooks, and autobiographies.
All guests are asked to bring a nonperishable food item(s) in support of the Tampa chapter of End 68 Hours of Hunger http://end68hoursofhunger.org/tampa-fl/. This program puts nourishing food in the hands of elementary school children to carry them through the weekend.
For more information, go to www.facebook.com/onpointbookfair.