Through the Valley

Vacation time is always an anticipated adventure that I can hardly wait to get out the door and begin.  My favorite vacations are in our motor home, and they are usually spent visiting family that I don’t get to see enough.  I enjoy it so much that returning home is something I don’t always look forward to.  I know it’s a return back to reality.

We (especially us women) tend to ride on this rollercoaster ride called life, jumping from highs to lows at the flicker of an eye.  We rarely stand on that even keeled middle ground for very long.  Reality has a way of influencing our emotions, and we have to constantly be on guard.

If we’re not careful, our times in the valley (our lows) may send us in a tail spin that turns us away from what’s really important - God and our spouse.

Our relationships with God and with our spouses can often feel like a rollercoaster ride.  One day we’re high as a kite in love (with God and/or our spouse), and the next day, we may feel dismayed as we wonder why they don’t give us the attention we think we need (God and/or our spouse).

If life was always a vacation and always full of highs, we would take it for granted.  Everything would become humdrum.  If our marriage and our relationship with God always soared, we would never seek God’s will in our lives.

It’s in our valley experience that we lean on God.  When things are going well, we often forget to show our gratitude to Him.  It’s like many friends we have; we don’t hear from them until they need something.  A true friend stays in touch and wants to share your life with you.  That’s what God desires from us.

It’s the same way in our marriage.  We can’t just live in a house with our spouse and not be a part of their lives.  When we continually work on our relationship with our spouse, the lows in our marriage will become less and less, as in our relationship with God.

Circumstances and life will always bring lows in our lives, but having a faithful God and a loving husband by your side will ease you through those lows.

 The 23rd Psalm starts out, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.”

 With God actively in our lives, we will not be in want.

The last verse says, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Our valley experiences don’t have to devastate us. We can walk peacefully through them if we have God by our side, and a wonderful soul mate, our spouse, that God gave us to share our  life AND our trials.


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Gps Trailer Tracking
Unknown said…
I agree. We came home from a long weekend out of town to find our air conditioner broke. Our first reaction was to panic, but of course God got us through with a great referral. When I look back, I don't regret that it happened because it helped me to appreciate the things we take for granted. I can't imagine living without air conditioning, water or electricity. Thank God!!!
Sandee Lester said…
Thank you Samuel - just catching up on comments! And thank you, Debra, for always responding! We work well together!!

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