Memorial Day - A Solemn Reminder
Death is a part of our lives that can be difficult to grasp when someone dies, especially if they are young and have a full life yet to live. As we celebrate Memorial Day, it occurs to me that most of the soldiers that died for our country were probably under the age of thirty - some even younger than twenty. We don’t think about that fact unless we personally know someone who died in combat. I have deep respect and admiration for any young person who signs up to be part of the military, especially in these days where soldiers now do numerous tours in the Middle East early in their military career. It’s always shocking when a young person dies. We are forced to put life into perspective when we are faced with its fragility. My daughter and her husband lost a dear friend yesterday. He and his wife and young son were at their wedding less than two weeks ago. We celebrated the wife’s newly discovered pregnancy as she styled everyone’s hair...