Freedom from Worry
It’s already been one of those weeks. I wasn’t able to post my article on Monday because of the storms that interfered with the service here. Rick and I are in Ft. Lauderdale at an RV park. I went to add a few things to the article, today, before seeking a Starbucks for internet usage, and my article was not saved on my computer. (?!?!) So, I had to start fresh with a new article. Now I know I may not be impressively savvy on the computer, but I’m certainly keen on saving anything of importance. I can’t imagine what happened. I suppose those little computer demons are only trying to add some more chaos to my life. I really don’t want any more. I won’t even mention how stressful it has been to be away from Spring Hill while Tropical Storm Debby wreaks havoc all around it. My handicapped brother recently moved in with us, and I’ve worried about him while we’re gone because he stayed behind at our house. He is in excelle...