Agape Love - How We Love These Aliens
If it wasn’t for attraction and romance and love, men and women would probably never join together as one. Let’s face it, without love, men and women aren’t the most compatible companions because we are such different creatures. Yeah, yeah, some try to claim that they can have someone of the opposite sex as their best friend, nothing else, but I have my doubts. I would bet there is love going on in at least one side of that relationship. (This information is concluded merely from the viewpoint of what I’ve observed in others and in myself before I married – and from many movies I’ve watched.) That initial “head-over-heals in love” is how God designed it to get us aliens together. The love and romance is only the bait. Unfortunately though, many marriages try to base their relationships on these feelings that were meant mostly to get our attention. Those relationships don't last because people want to stay in that la-la land without applying...