GPS To A Joyful Marriage Flyer

G.P.S. to a Joyful Marriage featuring Sandee Lester
Passionate about reaching out to other women, Sandee Lester has been in marriage ministry for the past seventeen years. Performing since the age of seven, her comfort in front of an audience and love of people make her an entertaining speaker for your women’s event.
In her powerful testimony, she openly shares her painful experience of dealing with troubles in her marriage, over 20 years ago, that were magnified by the sudden death of her father. After his death, she found herself facing issues from the divorce of her parents she never dealt with. Her anger towards her father transferred to her husband, who at that point, focused his time and energy on his Air Force career. She felt abandoned by her father and abandoned by her husband, and turned to another man for support. When her husband got an assignment to go to Germany, she contemplated divorce.
God miraculously intervened at a time where Rick and Sandee could see no hope. He drew them closer to Him and to each other, and gave them the passion to reach out to other couples. Since that time, they have counseled couples, taught classes, spoken at churches, and held marriage seminars. Married 30 years now, they continue working together with their Resurrection Power Marriage Ministry.
In her years of moving all over the world with the Air Force, Sandee has worked at numerous churches as the music director/worship leader/pianist, and worked as an assistant pastor in Australia. She has written two books for her ministry and has performed professionally as a singer/pianist for over 30 years.
Sandee combines her desire to help women along with her musical talents to present her message of hope.
GPS to a Joyful Marriage Topics
“Rev your Engines!” - Honest talk about sex and intimacy.
*Sandee’s most popular topic - includes a question and answer time for women to anonymously ask personal questions.
In her powerful testimony, she openly shares her painful experience of dealing with troubles in her marriage, over 20 years ago, that were magnified by the sudden death of her father. After his death, she found herself facing issues from the divorce of her parents she never dealt with. Her anger towards her father transferred to her husband, who at that point, focused his time and energy on his Air Force career. She felt abandoned by her father and abandoned by her husband, and turned to another man for support. When her husband got an assignment to go to Germany, she contemplated divorce.
God miraculously intervened at a time where Rick and Sandee could see no hope. He drew them closer to Him and to each other, and gave them the passion to reach out to other couples. Since that time, they have counseled couples, taught classes, spoken at churches, and held marriage seminars. Married 30 years now, they continue working together with their Resurrection Power Marriage Ministry.
In her years of moving all over the world with the Air Force, Sandee has worked at numerous churches as the music director/worship leader/pianist, and worked as an assistant pastor in Australia. She has written two books for her ministry and has performed professionally as a singer/pianist for over 30 years.
Sandee combines her desire to help women along with her musical talents to present her message of hope.
GPS to a Joyful Marriage Topics
“Rev your Engines!” - Honest talk about sex and intimacy.
*Sandee’s most popular topic - includes a question and answer time for women to anonymously ask personal questions.
“Maintain your Vehicle” - Communication: The key to a happy marriage.
“Polish the Exterior” - Love and Respect: What is love and respect to you? What is it according to the Bible?
“Keep the Interior Sparkling” - Priorities: Are yours in order?
“G.P.S.” - Emergency guide for struggling marriages.
G. - God - put Him first in your life
P. - Positive - speak only positive words to your spouse
S. - Selfless - put your spouse ahead of yourself
“Fixing a Crash” - Can your marriage survive an affair?
These are a few of the topics Sandee offers. She can also plan her program according to your needs and ideas. Sandee asks no fee but would appreciate a love offering.