Back To Submission
Okay, back to submission (you may have hoped I’d avoid it). No wonder ‘submit’ is a four-letter word to women in our society. There is no set rule for families anymore. We don’t know how to behave or what we’re supposed to do. With all the divorce, there aren’t many solid role models for marriage in our lives. Sadly, as with most other aspects of our society, we’ve turned away from God and have tried to do everything by our SELVES. I believe the idea of submission only comes naturally in Godly relationships. If you’re not following God, you’re following SELF (with encouragement from the devil of course.) Submission and SELF cannot co-exist. Submission is giving up SELF as we are called to do in our relationship with God and our relationship with our spouse. Submissive wives may still be found in secular marriages. They are usually influenced by the relationship of their parents or their own personality. It would be a much more difficult path to follow without God. A Christian wif...